December 06, 2016
La Paloma Generating Company, LLC
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
- Brinkman Law Group
- Bryan Cave
- Burr & Forman
- Connolly Gallagher
- Curtis Mallet-Prevost
- Debevoise & Plimpton
- FisherBroyles
- Fox Rothschild
- Goldstein & McClintock
- GrayRobinson
- Greenberg Traurig
- Katten Muchin
- King & Spalding
- Klein DeNatale
- Latham & Watkins
- McCollom D'Emilio
- Miles & Stockbridge
- Morgan Lewis
- Morris James
- Nossaman LLP
- O'Melveny & Myers
- Pachulski Stang
- Richards Layton
- Robinson & Cole
- Stoel Rives
- Sullivan Hazeltine
- Tenaglia & Hunt
- White & Case
- Young Conaway
- Alstom SA
- Alvarez & Marsal Holdings LLC
- Bank of America Corp.
- Beal Bank USA
- Jefferies Financial Group Inc.
- Lexitas Legal
- NAES Corp.
- PG&E Corp.
- PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
- The Bank of New York Mellon Corp.
- Truist Financial Corp.
Government Agencies
Sectors & Industries:
View recent docket activity
Reflects complaints, answers, motions, orders and trial notes entered from Jan. 1, 2011.
Additional or older documents may be available in Pacer.
January 09, 2018
La Paloma Judge Won't Stay Order Scotching Enviro Liability
A Delaware bankruptcy judge declined Tuesday to stay his decision that La Paloma Generating Co. LLC's buyer, senior creditor LNV Corp., is not on the hook for roughly $60 million in environmental costs under California's "cap-and-trade" program while regulators appeal, ruling that the state's chances for a successful challenge were slim.
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