AES-Apex Employer Services, et al v. Dino Rotondo, et al

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Case Number:



Appellate - 6th Circuit

Nature of Suit:

2870 Tax Suits: Taxes

  1. May 17, 2019

    IRS Liens On $3.4M Tax Debt Override Creditor, 6th Circ. Says

    The Internal Revenue Service's claim on a consultant's tax debt of at least $3.4 million takes precedence over a creditor's $1.4 million claim, the Sixth Circuit ruled Friday, saying the IRS filed its liens before the creditor obtained its judgment.

  2. September 10, 2018

    IRS Had No Clear Claim To $1.4M In Assets, 6th Circ. Hears

    A trial court wrongly handed the Internal Revenue Service an early win over an investment company's claim that its interest in $1.4 million in assets should trump the agency's tax lien because genuine questions of fact remained, the company told the Sixth Circuit Monday.