Union Pacific Railroad Company v. Wisconsin Department of Revenue et al
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
Government Agencies
Sectors & Industries:
March 06, 2019
Union Pacific's $2.6M Software Tax In Wisconsin Ruled Unfair
A $2.6 million Wisconsin tax on computer software used by Union Pacific railway violates a federal statute protecting railroads from unfair tax treatment because it doesn't tax software of other industries as much, a Wisconsin federal court has ruled.
September 12, 2018
Wis. Revenue Dept. Says It Can Levy Taxes On Union Pacific
The Wisconsin Department of Revenue argued Tuesday that the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act gives it the ability to demand $2.7 millionĀ in taxes and penalties from Union Pacific Railroad Co. for characterizing its computer software as intangible personal property, which is exempt from tax.
August 21, 2018
Union Pacific Urges Wis. Court To Toss $2M Levy On Software
The Union Pacific Railroad Co. has asked a Wisconsin federal judge to dismiss an assessment by the Wisconsin Revenue Department, saying the agency discriminated against the company by imposing more than $2 million in ad valorem taxes and penalties over its computer software.
November 28, 2017
Union Pacific Sues Wis. Dept. Over $2M Tax On Software
Union Pacific Railroad Co. filed a lawsuit Monday in federal court against the Wisconsin Revenue Department after the agency imposed more than $2 million in ad valorem taxes and penalties on the company over its computer software.