USA v. Z Investment Properties, LLC, et al

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Case Number:



Appellate - 7th Circuit

Nature of Suit:

2870 Tax Suits

  1. April 19, 2019

    IRS May Proceed On Liens Despite Typo, 7th Circ. Says

    The Internal Revenue Service may proceed with federal tax liens of more than $117,000 on an Illinois property despite a spelling error in the original lien that the property owners argued made it unenforceable, the Seventh Circuit has ruled.

  2. September 14, 2018

    Typo In IRS Lien Bars Enforcement, 7th Circ. Told

    The owners of an Illinois property fighting a IRS lien that followed a previous owner's failure to pay property taxes told the Seventh Circuit on Friday that a lower district court was wrong to have declared the lien valid when the agency misspelled the former owner's name.

  3. August 24, 2018

    Typo On Name Doesn't Invalidate Lien, IRS Tells 7th Circ.

    A district court correctly awarded summary judgment to the Internal Revenue Service by finding a minor misspelling of a name in the filed notice of a $176,115 federal property tax lien did not invalidate it, the government has told the Seventh Circuit in a brief.