Billy Hawk, Jr., et al v. CIR
May 15, 2019
Bowling Alley Heirs Owe $1.3M In Taxes, 6th Circ. Affirms
A deceased Tennessee man's estate was liable for $1.3 million in taxes owed by his defunct bowling company since asset transfers to another company were fraudulent, the Sixth Circuit said in a Wednesday affirmation of a U.S. Tax Court decision.
November 06, 2018
IRS Tells 6th Circ. To Affirm Bowling Estate's $1.3M Tax Bill
The U.S. government told the Sixth Circuit it should affirm a U.S. Tax Court decision finding that a deceased Tennessee man's estate was liable for $1.3 million in tax owed by his defunct bowling alleys because certain business transfers to the estate were found fraudulent under federal and state law.
August 21, 2018
Widow Asks 6th Circ. To Strike $1.3M Tax Liability Ruling
The U.S. Tax Court wrongly found a deceased Tennessee man's estate and trusts were liable for $1.3 million in tax owed by a bowling business because the court misinterpreted state law on fraudulent transfers, the man's widow argued in a recent filing in the Sixth Circuit.