USA v. Edward Holland, Jr., et al
Case Number:
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March 10, 2020
IRS Can't Enforce Songwriter's $20M Lien, 6th Circ. Says
The Internal Revenue Service cannot enforce a $20 million lien on assets held by a Motown songwriter's partnership because the agency did not show that royalty assets were transferred to avoid paying taxes, the Sixth Circuit ruled Tuesday.
October 29, 2018
Motown Songwriter Urges 6th Circ. To Deny Gov't's $20M Lien
A Motown songwriter urged the Sixth Circuit on Monday to deny the federal government's attempt to secure a lien of approximately $20 million to the assets of a partnership he owns, refuting the government's claims that the transfer of royalties to the partnership may have been fraudulent.
October 09, 2018
IRS Asks 6th Circ. To Sort Out Songwriter's Royalty Proceeds
The Internal Revenue Service on Tuesday asked the Sixth Circuit to reverse a judgment in favor of Royal Bank of Scotland in a bid to recover tax on a songwriter's royalties that were transferred to a partnership, saying the district court decision was based on a flawed analysis.