United States of America v. Masud Sarshar

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Case overview

Case Number:



California Central

Nature of Suit:



R. Gary Klausner

  1. February 21, 2019

    US Wins $18.9M Judgment For Undisclosed Foreign Accounts

    The U.S. has won an $18.9 million judgment in a California federal court after a U.S. citizen who allegedly didn't disclose all his foreign bank accounts to the Internal Revenue Service failed to answer the government's charges. 

  2. September 06, 2018

    US Seeks $18.5M Judgment Over Undisclosed Foreign Accounts

    The U.S. has asked a California federal court for an $18.5 million judgment against a U.S. citizen for willfully failing to disclose all his foreign bank accounts, according to a Thursday court filing.