Richard Torp v. USA, et al
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
Government Agencies
August 26, 2019
6th Circ. Won't Rehear Suit On Payroll Tax, Gov't Taxing Power
A Michigan man was recently denied a rehearing by the full Sixth Circuit on his challenge to the U.S. government's ability to tax him in a case involving payroll taxes.
July 08, 2019
Tax Challenge Nixed For Wrong Reason, 6th Circ. Says
A lower court should have dismissed an income tax complaint for lack of jurisdiction rather than failure to state a claim, the Sixth Circuit said recently in reversing the lower court's ruling.
December 18, 2018
Tax Challenge Axed For Wrong Reason, IRS Tells 6th Circ.
A district court wrongly dismissed a personal income tax suit for failure to state a claim rather than for lack of subject matter jurisdiction, the Internal Revenue Service told the Sixth Circuit on Tuesday.