Doyle Foster, et al v. USA
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
March 20, 2020
5th Circ. Declines Reconsidering Investors' Tax Refund Suit
The Fifth Circuit declined to reconsider a long-running dispute over two investors' attempts to get refunds for taxes paid on partnerships that the Internal Revenue Service has maintained are tax shelters, according to an order.
January 14, 2020
Courts Can't Hear Investors' Tax Refund Suit, 5th Circ. Finds
Partners in a longtime dispute over purported tax shelters can't seek refunds in district courts because the liabilities stem from items that must be litigated at the partnership level, the Fifth Circuit has said, affirming a Texas district court decision.
May 08, 2019
Investors' Partnership Tax Refund Claim Timely, 5th Circ. Told
Three investors and their spouses didn't miss a deadline to file a tax refund claim related to a partnership adjustment by the IRS because they were challenging an allegedly illegal assessment, the investors recently told the Fifth Circuit.
February 12, 2019
Lateness Of IRS Bill Allows Challenge, 5th Circ. Told
The Internal Revenue Service was too late to assess additional taxes against the partners in an agricultural partnership, giving them extra time to challenge the assessment, they recently told the Fifth Circuit.