G2A.COM Sp. z.o.o. (Ltd.) v. USA
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
October 15, 2019
Polish Video Game Co. Got Proper IRS Notice, 3rd Circ. Says
The IRS did not violate international law when it notified a Polish video game company by mail that it was serving an information summons to a third party, the Third Circuit said Tuesday in upholding a lower-court decision.
May 02, 2019
IRS Failed To Notify Polish Co. Of Summons, 3rd Circ. Told
The Internal Revenue Service improperly issued a third-party summons on behalf of the Polish tax authority without first properly contacting a Polish video game company, the company has told the Third Circuit.
March 25, 2019
Biz Challenge To IRS Summons Should Fail, 3rd Circ. Told
A lower court correctly denied a company's request to quash a summons request issued by the Internal Revenue Service on behalf of the Polish taxing authority, the U.S. told the Third Circuit on Monday.