John Hartmann v. Commissioner of Internal Reven
September 17, 2019
Ex-Atty Can't Escape IRS Lien, Levy, 3rd Circ. Says
The Third Circuit on Tuesday upheld a lien and levy imposed by the IRS against a former attorney, saying he failed to provide the necessary forms at a hearing to contest his tax debts.
April 22, 2019
IRS Rightly Pursued Tax Collection Action, 3rd Circ. Told
The Internal Revenue Service didn't abuse its discretion in pursuing a lien and levy to collect on a man's 2011 and 2013 tax debts, the U.S. told the Third Circuit on Monday.
March 26, 2019
IRS Collection Hearing Inadequate, Atty Tells 3rd. Circ.
The Internal Revenue Service didn't give a New Jersey lawyer a proper hearing when he protested a tax collection effort, the attorney has told the Third Circuit.