Randolph S. Baskins, et ux., Petitioners v. Oklahoma Tax Commission

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Case overview

Case Number:



Supreme Court

Nature of Suit:

Government Agencies

  1. May 13, 2019

    Justices Won't Review Okla. Gains Tax Deduction Law

    The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear a couple's challenge to an Oklahoma law that permits a tax deduction for capital gains from selling the stock of an in-state company but denies it for out-of-state companies.

  2. April 08, 2019

    Okla. In-State Gains Deduction Constitutional, Justices Told

    An Oklahoma law that permits a tax deduction for capital gains realized from selling stock of in-state companies but not those headquartered elsewhere doesn't violate the commerce clause, the state Tax Commission told the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday.