Darrell Archer v. CIR
December 09, 2020
9th Circ. Won't Reconsider Man's Biz Expense Tax Dispute
The Ninth Circuit won't reconsider its decision to affirm a ruling from the U.S. Tax Court finding that a California man didn't substantiate his business expenses for which he claimed tax deductions, the appeals court said in an order.
June 27, 2019
Calif. Man Failed To Prove Deduction Claims, 9th Circ. Told
A California man didn't substantiate some of the business expenses for which he claimed tax deductions, so the Internal Revenue Service rightly disallowed them, the U.S. told the Ninth Circuit Thursday.
April 11, 2019
Tax Court Wrongly Denied Businessman's Deductions, 9th Circ. Told
The U.S. Tax Court wrongly denied deductions to a California man for business expenses, rental losses and charitable contributions, he told the Ninth Circuit on Thursday.