Valero Marketing and Supply Company v. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
April 22, 2021
Valero Entitled To $1.5M Refund For Biomass Mix, Judge Says
The energy company Valero is entitled to a nearly $1.5 million tax refund for its use of liquid fuels derived from biomass to produce alternative fuel mixtures, a Texas federal judge ruled.
January 15, 2021
Valero Requests $1.5M Refund For Liquid Biomass Fuel Use
Energy company Valero told a Texas federal court it should receive a nearly $1.5 million tax refund for its use of liquid fuels derived from biomass to produce alternative fuel mixtures.
August 03, 2020
Court Tosses Valero's $120.5M Butane Tax Refund Claims
A Texas federal court dismissed energy company Valero's $120.5 million tax refund claims for its use of butane in fuel mixtures and found the government's denial of the claims to be constitutional, according to an order.
March 31, 2020
Fuel Tax Credit Revision Violates Due Process, Valero Argues
The U.S. can't retroactively apply amendments to the alternative fuel mixture tax credit statute to deny energy company Valero $120.5 million in tax refunds because those amendments violate due process rights, the company said recently.
March 03, 2020
US Seeks To Toss $120.5M Of Valero's Bid For Fuel Tax Credits
Valero is not entitled to a refund of approximately $120.5 million it claimed for fuel mixtures that Congress has specified do not qualify for the alternative fuel mixture credit, the U.S. government has told a Texas federal court.
July 19, 2019
Valero's $122M Fuel Tax Credit Claim Invalid, US Says
A Texas federal court should dismiss a $122 million alternative fuels tax claim by Valero Marketing and Supply Co. because the company never submitted a proper claim form before filing the suit, the U.S. government said.
April 02, 2019
Valero Sues IRS For $122M In Alternative Fuel Tax Credits
The Internal Revenue Service wrongly denied $122 million in tax credits to Valero Marketing and Supply Co. by refusing to recognize butane and biomass liquids as alternative fuels, a suit filed in Texas federal court has claimed.