Union Pacific Railroad Compan v. Wisconsin Department of Reven, et al

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Case overview

Case Number:



Appellate - 7th Circuit

Nature of Suit:

3890 Other Statutory Actions


Government Agencies

Sectors & Industries:

  1. October 07, 2019

    Wis. Tax On Union Pacific Software Illegal, 7th Circ. Affirms

    Wisconsin's $2.6 million tax on Union Pacific Railroad Co.'s custom software violates a federal statute that bars states from discriminating against railroads because the tax doesn't apply to most other industries, the Seventh Circuit ruled Monday.

  2. August 14, 2019

    Union Pacific's $2.6M Software Tax Not Unfair, 7th Circ. Told

    Wisconsin didn't discriminate against Union Pacific in levying a $2.6 million tax on the railroad's computer software while exempting other industries because federal precedent doesn't require equal carveouts, the state Department of Revenue told the Seventh Circuit on Wednesday.