Mitsubishi Cement Corporation v. CIR

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Case Number:



Appellate - 9th Circuit

Nature of Suit:

tax court 

  1. November 16, 2020

    9th Circ. Says Cement Co. Can't Claim Larger Tax Deduction

    A cement production company on the hook for almost $391,000 in federal income taxes cannot reduce its liability by claiming a tax deduction for depletion expenses larger than what the law allows, the Ninth Circuit ruled.

  2. January 15, 2020

    Cement Co. Entitled To Higher Depletion Rate, 9th Circ. Told

    A cement producer did not underreport its tax liability and is entitled to a higher depletion deduction for the mining of calcium carbonate as outlined under U.S. Treasury Department regulations, the Ninth Circuit heard Wednesday.

  3. November 25, 2019

    Cement Co. Not Owed Larger Tax Break On Mine, 9th Circ. Told

    A California cement producer underreported its tax liability by over $400,000 through miscalculating its depletion deduction for mining, and the company should not be allowed to claim a greater deduction, the government told the Ninth Circuit on Monday.

  4. September 27, 2019

    Calif. Cement Co. Asks 9th Circ. To Up Depletion Tax Break

    A California cement producer is owed a greater tax deduction for depletion based on adjustments to prices its subsidiaries paid for cement, mining costs of mixing third-party minerals and a higher depletion rate, the producer has told the Ninth Circuit.