Chemoil Corp. v. United States of America
Case Number:
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September 19, 2022
Court Urged To Nix US Bid For Win In $6.7M Fuel Credit Case
The government's efforts to deny an energy company $6.7 million in alternative fuel mixture tax credits could thwart clean energy objectives, the business told a New York federal court, responding to the government's bid for a win in the case.
August 11, 2022
Oil Trading Co. Not Entitled To $6M In Tax Credits, US Says
An oil trading company isn't entitled to more than $6 million in excise tax credits for alcohol fuel mixtures because the Internal Revenue Service appropriately found it didn't qualify, the federal government told a New York federal court
July 11, 2022
Oil Co. Seeks To Strike Penalty In $11M Fuel Tax Credit Case
An IRS supervisor improperly backdated a $4 million penalty against an oil trading company, rendering the penalty moot, the company told a New York federal court in its case challenging $11 million in taxes and penalties.
July 09, 2019
Oil Trading Co. Says It's Owed $11M In Fuel Credits, Penalties
An oil trading company has asked a New York federal court for some $11 million in alcohol fuel mixture tax credits it says it is owed as well as penalty and interest charges it claims it should not have paid.