Sugarloaf Fund, LLC, et al v. CIR
March 06, 2020
Ex-Seyfarth Partner's Tax Shelter Still A Sham, 7th Circ. Says
A tax shelter designed by a former Seyfarth Shaw LLP partner remained an abusive sham despite changes to its structure, the Seventh Circuit ruled Friday in rejecting the scheme for the third time.
February 14, 2020
7th Circ. Asks If Changes Truly Transformed Tax Shelter
A Seventh Circuit judge on Friday pushed an ex-Seyfarth partner to address whether rollups of trading companies and investor trusts did enough to "clean the sham status" of a partnership found to be a tax shelter in the early 2000s, as the partnership now asks the court to reject IRS adjustments for later tax years.
December 17, 2019
Partnership Tells 7th Circ. It's No Longer Tax Shelter
A partnership found to be a tax shelter in the early 2000s has overhauled its structure and is now a legitimate business, it told the Seventh Circuit Tuesday in asking the court to reject IRS adjustments for later tax years.
November 26, 2019
Biz Sold Tax Shelters, Not Collection Services, 7th Circ. Told
An attorney-promoted partnership purporting to operate as a debt collection operation was actually in the business of selling abusive tax shelters, the U.S. government told the Seventh Circuit on Tuesday.