United States of America v. Goldsmith

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Case Number:



California Southern

Nature of Suit:

Forfeit/Penalty: Other


Roger T. Benitez

  1. May 26, 2021

    Ariz. Man Owes $309K In FBAR Penalties, Calif. Court Says

    A California federal court ordered an Arizonan to pay $309,000 in penalties for failing to disclose a Swiss bank account for three years after he inherited it, saying the evidence clearly showed he acted recklessly.

  2. February 02, 2021

    Arizonan Owes $310K In FBAR Row Tied To Swiss Bank, US Says

    An Arizona man owes nearly $310,000 in foreign bank account reporting penalties for failing to disclose in a timely fashion his accounts over three years, U.S. government lawyers told a California federal court in requesting summary judgment in the dispute.