Samuel Wegbreit, et al v. CIR
January 04, 2022
7th Circ. Affirms Couple's Liability On $15M In Income
The Seventh Circuit affirmed a U.S. Tax Court decision that a couple were liable for taxes on nearly $15 million in underreported income and a fraud penalty, saying their only two coherent, germane arguments were waived.
December 07, 2020
7th Circ. Skeptical Of Couple's Bid To Undo Tax Court Ruling
A Seventh Circuit judge said during oral argument Monday that an Illinois couple seeking to reverse a U.S. Tax Court decision deeming their trust a tax sham appeared to have waived arguments that they were intimidated by Internal Revenue Service counsel and that their income gains were wrongly tallied.
July 15, 2020
7th Circ. Urged To Undo Tax Court Ruling That Trust Is Sham
An Illinois couple asked the Seventh Circuit to reverse a U.S. Tax Court decision deeming their trust a tax sham because they contend the ruling neglected to follow precedent that penalties shouldn't apply when taxpayers have relied on lawyers' advice.