United Parcel Service, Inc., Petitioner v. New York, et al.

  1. October 05, 2020

    High Court Ends UPS' $100M Untaxed Cigarette Row With NY

    The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to review a judgment ordering UPS to pay nearly $100 million after delivering untaxed cigarettes from Native American reservations, marking the end of the shipper's long battle with both the city and state of New York over the deliveries.

  2. August 03, 2020

    NY To Justices: Don't Burn $100M Cigarette Case Against UPS

    New York City urged the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday to refuse UPS' appeal of a nearly $100 million judgment for allegedly delivering untaxed cigarettes from Native American reservations, denying that the ruling is at odds with other appellate court decisions.