Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America et al v. Lierman

  1. July 03, 2024

    Maryland Fends Off Chamber's Challenge To Digital Ad Tax

    A disputed provision of Maryland's tax on digital advertising doesn't violate the First Amendment, a federal judge in the state found Wednesday, throwing out a challenge to the tax brought by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other business groups.

  2. April 10, 2024

    Md. Digital Ad Tax Rule Illegally Bars Speech, Chamber Says

    A provision in Maryland's digital ad tax law barring companies from directly passing the tax through to consumers regulates companies' speech, not just their conduct, violating the First Amendment, business groups told a federal court.

  3. April 01, 2024

    Chamber Says Md. Digital Ad Tax Rule Violates Free Speech

    Maryland's law against passing through its digital advertising tax to consumers is an unconstitutional restriction on free speech, business groups told a federal court, responding to its order for briefs on the meaning of the provision.

  4. December 02, 2022

    Maryland Digital Ad Tax Case Mooted By Federal Judge

    A federal case challenging the constitutionality of Maryland's digital advertising tax is moot, a judge said Friday, because a state judge has already thrown out the tax in a separate case, leaving no need for relief by the federal court.

  5. November 29, 2022

    State Strike Of Md. Digital Tax Could Weigh On Federal Case

    A federal judge struggled to understand at a hearing Tuesday whether a case before her concerning an issue with Maryland's embattled digital advertising tax is now moot following a state court ruling to strike down the tax.

  6. October 31, 2022

    Md. To Continue Defending Digital Ad Tax In Federal Court

    Maryland will continue its defense of its first-in-the-nation digital advertising tax in federal court, the state told a federal judge Monday, despite a state court ruling throwing out the tax.

  7. October 21, 2022

    Fed. Judge Should Speed Md. Digital Ad Tax Case, Groups Say

    A judge in the federal lawsuit against Maryland's digital advertising tax should resolve that case soon, a lawyer for the trade groups bringing the case said Friday, following a state court decision throwing out the tax.

  8. August 29, 2022

    Md. Ad Tax Pass-Through Ban Restricts Speech, Biz Groups Say

    Maryland's prohibition against companies directly passing the state's new digital advertising tax on to consumers regulates speech rather than acting as commercial conduct to advance the state government's interests, trade groups suing the state told a federal judge.

  9. August 12, 2022

    Md. Says Ad Tax Pass-Through Ban Furthers State Interests

    Maryland's prohibition against companies directly passing on the state's new digital advertising tax is constitutional because it advances the state's substantial interest in ensuring large corporations pay the tax to fund education, the state comptroller told a federal judge Friday.

  10. May 16, 2022

    Digital Tax Pass-Through Ban Unconstitutional, Chamber Says

    Maryland's digital advertising tax unconstitutionally restricts speech by prohibiting advertisers from passing the tax on to customers as a separate charge, lawyers for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce told a federal judge.