Vermont National Telephone Company, Petitioner v. Vermont Department of Taxes

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Case overview

Case Number:



Supreme Court

Nature of Suit:


Government Agencies

  1. May 17, 2021

    Justices Won't Review Vt. Tax On Gains Against Telecom Co.

    The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday refused to review a Vermont Department of Taxes decision imposing taxes on $23.9 million in capital gains from New York telecommunications license sales.

  2. April 21, 2021

    Vt. Tax On Gains Breaks Precedent, Telecom Co. Tells Justices

    A Vermont telecommunications company again urged the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday to review a decision imposing taxes on $23.9 million in capital gains from New York telecommunications license sales, saying Vermont's tax agency conceded the decision departed from precedent.

  3. April 07, 2021

    Vt. Tax Agency Tells Justices Telecom Row Isn't A Fed. Matter

    The Vermont Department of Taxes asked the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday to reject a petition by a Vermont telecommunications company seeking to reverse tax liabilities on $23.9 million in capital gains from New York telecommunications license sales.

  4. March 09, 2021

    Justices Ask Vermont For Response In Telecom Tax Row

    The U.S. Supreme Court asked the Vermont Department of Taxes to respond to a petition by a Vermont telecommunications company seeking to reverse tax liabilities on $23.9 million in capital gains from New York telecommunications license sales.