Timothy Blixseth v. IRS, et al
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
Government Agencies
April 25, 2022
9th Circ. Won't Review Ex-Billionaire's IRS Conspiracy Suit
The Ninth Circuit won't reconsider deciding a real estate mogul and Montana ski resort founder's claims that he was targeted by the Internal Revenue Service and other agencies in a conspiracy to harass him were correctly thrown out as untimely.
April 01, 2022
Mogul Asks 9th Circ. To Rehear IRS Conspiracy Suit
A real estate mogul and Montana ski resort founder said the Ninth Circuit should reconsider deciding his claims that he was targeted by the IRS and other agencies in a conspiracy to harass him were correctly thrown out as untimely.
March 17, 2022
9th Circ. Won't Revive Real Estate Mogul's IRS Conspiracy Suit
A real estate mogul and Montana ski resort founder's claims that he was targeted by the IRS and other agencies in a conspiracy to harass him were correctly thrown out as untimely, the Ninth Circuit said Thursday.
July 01, 2021
Real Estate Mogul Asks 9th Circ. To Revive IRS Conspiracy Row
A real estate mogul and Montana ski resort founder's claims that he was targeted by the IRS and other agencies in a conspiracy to harass him shouldn't have been thrown out as untimely, he told the Ninth Circuit.