United States of America v. Bouskila

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Case overview

Case Number:



New York Eastern

Nature of Suit:

Forfeit/Penalty: Other


Joanna Seybert

  1. August 14, 2023

    Judge Approves $80K Settlement In $330K FBAR Dispute

    A New York federal judge approved an $80,000 settlement Monday in a $330,000 dispute between a woman and the federal government over improperly reported overseas accounts.

  2. July 31, 2023

    Gov't Close To Deal In Woman's $330K FBAR Case, Court Told

    The U.S. government asked a New York federal court for an additional stay as it wrapped up settlement talks with a woman who had disputed $330,000 in penalties for failing to properly report overseas accounts to the Internal Revenue Service.

  3. March 30, 2023

    Gov't, Woman Seek 60 Days To Settle $330K FBAR Case

    The U.S. and a woman disputing most of $330,000 in penalties for failing to report foreign bank accounts asked a federal court Thursday for a 60-day stay while they try to negotiate a settlement in light of a directly applicable Supreme Court ruling.

  4. February 10, 2022

    Woman's Maximum FBAR Penalty $80K, Not $330K, Court Told

    A woman should be liable for a maximum $80,000 penalty, not $330,000, for failing to properly report overseas accounts to the IRS, she told a New York federal court in the latest dispute over the correct FBAR penalty calculation method.