Ladwig et al v United States of America
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
Federal Tax Suits: Taxes (US Plaintiff or Defendant)
June 16, 2022
Couple Drops Refund Suit Claiming IRS Misused $117K
A Texas federal court approved a couple's request to dismiss their case claiming the U.S. government owed them more than $117,500 wrongly applied to tax liabilities that were abated but weren't cleared in Internal Revenue Service systems.
February 07, 2022
IRS Misused Refunds, Owes Couple $117K, Court Told
The Internal Revenue Service owes a couple just over $117,500 wrongly applied to tax liabilities for 2006, 2007 and 2008 that were abated but haven't been cleared in IRS systems, the couple told a Texas federal court Monday.