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Geraldine Tyler, Petitioner v. Hennepin County, Minnesota, et al.

  1. May 25, 2023

    High Court Minn. Takings Ruling Could Lead To More Suits

    The U.S. Supreme Court's decision Thursday that a Minnesota county can't keep proceeds from the sale of a residential condo it took after the owner fell behind on property taxes could lead to additional litigation in the nearly dozen other states that allow for such measures, experts say.

  2. May 25, 2023

    High Court Rules For Condo Owner In Minn. Takings Case

    The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday ruled for a 94-year-old woman whose Minneapolis condo was seized by the government and then sold for more than she owed, holding that the practice is an unconstitutional taking under the Fifth Amendment.

  3. April 26, 2023

    Justices Look Askance At County's Profit On Seized Condo

    In their final oral argument this term, the U.S. Supreme Court justices on Wednesday questioned the ability of local governments to keep "windfall" payments above what a tax debtor owes in what's shaping up to be a landmark decision that could strengthen the takings clause.

  4. April 21, 2023

    Up Next At High Court: How To Preserve Issues For Appeal

    In its final week of arguments this term, the U.S. Supreme Court will tackle an appellate procedural issue that it has passed over nearly a dozen times before.

  5. April 06, 2023

    Government Attys Fight Back In High Court Takings Case

    Hennepin County, Minnesota, and its supporters fought back this week against claims that the county government unconstitutionally seizes private property in a potentially landmark takings case before the U.S. Supreme Court.

  6. March 03, 2023

    Nonprofit Urges Justices To Curb 'Avaricious' Takings

    Minnesota's "avaricious" practice of allowing local governments to keep the surplus proceeds from seized property to satisfy a smaller debt violates the Fifth Amendment's takings clause, attorneys for the Atlantic Legal Foundation told the U.S. Supreme Court on Friday.

  7. February 28, 2023

    Justices Urged To Curb Governments' Debt Seizure Power

    A 94-year-old woman asked the U.S. Supreme Court this week to limit local governments' power to keep seized property that is worth more than the amount owed for unpaid taxes, arguing that the seizure of her Minneapolis condo violated the Fifth Amendment's takings clause.

  8. January 13, 2023

    Justices To Review Minnesota Takings Case

    The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday agreed to hear a takings case arising from the sale of a 93-year-old woman's Minnesota home.