EcoFactor, Inc. v. Google LLC
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
830 Patent Infringement (Fed. Qst.)
Sectors & Industries:
March 06, 2025
Wheeling & Appealing: The Latest Must-Know Appellate Action
Believe it or not, there's still important litigation happening that doesn't involve President Donald Trump, and the proof exists in this month's circuit court calendars. During the remaining weeks of March, arguments will explore numerous high-profile topics, including a law firm's severe punishment for alleged misconduct in 9/11 litigation and a judicial rebuke of Trader Joe's for "an attempt to weaponize the legal system."
February 20, 2025
Google Argues $20M Verdict Is Tied To 'Unverifiable' Testimony
Google is defending its challenge to testimony from a patent licensing trial that led to a $20 million jury verdict against it, telling the full Federal Circuit that it is wrong to let "unsupported and unverifiable" assertions go in front of jurors.
January 27, 2025
Keep Damages Rules, Let Newman Hear Case, Fed. Circ. Told
The full Federal Circuit has been urged by startups and attorneys to reject calls by Google to tighten rules for admitting patent damages testimony, while counsel for suspended U.S. Circuit Judge Pauline Newman told the court it can't lawfully decide the case without her.
January 13, 2025
Fed. Circ. Told Google Making Up 'New Rules Of Evidence'
A smart-home energy startup says Google and its supporters are trying to use a Federal Circuit appeal in a $20 million patent case to "craft entirely new rules of evidence out of whole cloth."
January 01, 2025
The Hottest Topics Appellate Attys Are Tracking In 2025
Appellate lawyers in 2025 should probably stock up on coffee and expect some all-nighters — numerous high-profile appeals, a new presidential administration and a new framework for legal challenges to regulations suggest it'll be an uncommonly tumultuous trip around the sun.
January 01, 2025
Patent Cases To Watch In 2025
The Federal Circuit has taken on a rare en banc patent case looking at damages, while the U.S. Supreme Court has been asked to review when foreign damages can be incorporated into patent awards. Here's what you need to know about these cases and others that attorneys are keeping an eye on in 2025.
November 27, 2024
Full Fed. Circ. Urged To Set Tighter Rules On Patent Damages
Numerous major companies and industry groups have asked the full Federal Circuit to rule that district judges must carefully scrutinize expert testimony seeking large damages in patent cases and exclude unreliable opinions, rather than allowing juries to decide how much weight to give them.
November 13, 2024
Google Says $20M Thermostat IP Verdict Was 'Manufactured'
Google is making its argument to the full Federal Circuit that a $20 million verdict the tech giant was hit with in the Western District of Texas was "manufactured" by an expert hired by a competing smart-home energy startup.
September 26, 2024
Full Fed. Circ. Looks To Clarify Damages In Google Case
The full Federal Circuit has agreed to review EcoFactor's $20 million infringement award against Google, a move that attorneys say should provide much-needed guidance for both judges and parties when calculating damages.
September 25, 2024
Full Fed. Circ. To Tackle Patent Damages In $20M Google Case
The full Federal Circuit said Wednesday it will review a panel's holding that Google must pay EcoFactor $20 million for infringing a smart thermostat patent, after the tech giant said the court has allowed patent owners to "manufacture a royalty rate."