December 16, 2024
Cos. Urge Judge To Maintain Injunction On Transparency Law
A Texas federal judge doesn't need to stay his preliminary injunction on the rollout of new corporate transparency rules while the U.S. government's appeal of his decision is pending at the Fifth Circuit, a business lobbying group and others said Monday.
December 16, 2024
Wyden Bill Would Nix Tax Perks For Private Placement Plans
U.S. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden unveiled legislation Monday that would remove the tax benefits of a special type of private life insurance plan that he said high-net-worth individuals have been abusing to avoid paying taxes on their investments in the policies.
December 16, 2024
HMRC Chief Defends Record On Fighting Tax Evasion
The chief executive of HM Revenue & Customs told Parliament on Monday that the British tax authority has reduced the level of tax noncompliance in response to claims it needs a better strategy on tax evasion.
December 16, 2024
Info On Over 1,900 Tax Rulings Swapped In OECD Last Year
Tax jurisdictions within the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development spontaneously shared information related to over 1,900 tax rulings involving foreign companies in 2023, the OECD said Monday, highlighting the widespread adoption of its transparency framework aimed at mitigating harmful tax practices.
December 16, 2024
Hong Kong Commits To OECD Crypto Reporting Framework
Hong Kong plans to take part in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's framework for automatically exchanging financial information regarding crypto-assets starting in 2028, the jurisdiction's Inland Revenue Department said.
December 13, 2024
IRS Aims To Ramp Up Partnership Audits, Official Says
The Internal Revenue Service plans to ramp up partnership audits in the next couple of years to boost the current audit rate of 0.05% as the agency props up a new unit that solely focuses on examining large partnerships, an agency attorney said Friday.
December 13, 2024
OECD Seeks Input On Ring-Fencing Mining Income Guidance
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said Friday that it is looking for feedback on proposed guidance for tax administrations looking to set up ring-fencing measures for mining operations in order to limit investors' ability to offset expenditures and revenues between projects.
December 13, 2024
Swiss Gov't Rejects Retroactive Tax On Gifts Above $56M
The Swiss federal government formally rejected a wealth tax proposal by the youth wing of the Social Democratic Party of Switzerland on Friday, saying a retroactive 50% tax on gifts and inheritances above 50 million Swiss francs ($56 million) was "politically questionable."
December 13, 2024
Canada Must Reassess Tax Bills For Ex-Blue Jays, Court Says
Pension contributions made by two former Major League Baseball stars while they played for the Toronto Blue Jays should be counted in their annual income, the Tax Court of Canada ruled in a victory for the former players.
December 13, 2024
CFC Tax Issues Can't Be Solved Via Treaties, Officials Say
Bilateral treaties between the U.S. and other countries where a controlled foreign corporation may face withholding tax issues aren't able to effectively resolve those disputes, Internal Revenue Service and Treasury officials said Friday.
December 13, 2024
IRS Mulls Turning Off Foreign Currency Rules For CFCs
The Internal Revenue Service is in the early stages of considering whether foreign currency gain or loss recognition rules could be turned off in certain situations for controlled foreign corporations, an agency official said Friday.
December 13, 2024
Halliburton Consistent On Claims For $35M Refund, Court Told
Halliburton has not changed its reasons for claiming a tax refund on a $35 million payment it made to a foreign government to protect its employees from harassment, the company told a Texas federal court, saying the U.S. wrongly accused it of a flip-flop.
December 13, 2024
Taxation With Representation: Kirkland, Davis Polk, Wachtell
In this week's Taxation With Representation, Google and TPG Rise Climate partner with Intersect Power, Gen Digital Inc. acquires MoneyLion Inc., Patient Square Capital acquires Patterson Companies Inc., and the Buffalo Bills and Miami Dolphins sell minority ownership shares to private equity firms.
December 13, 2024
Canada 2-Month Sales Tax Holiday Begins Saturday
A two-month goods-and-services tax holiday in Canada on certain goods such as gifts and restaurant meals will begin Saturday after having passed the Senate and receiving royal ascension.
December 13, 2024
Contractor Loses Bail For Texting Alleged Tax Cheat Allies
A District of Columbia federal judge revoked bail for a former defense contractor accused of running a $350 million tax-evasion scheme that prosecutors call one of the largest in U.S. history, after the government said he'd been texting his alleged co-conspirators.
December 13, 2024
Loper Bright May Influence Tax Less, IRS Chief Counsel Says
The U.S. Supreme Court decision this year overturning a decades-long standard to defer to federal agencies' regulatory interpretations has encouraged the Internal Revenue Service to better explain its rules, its outgoing chief counsel said Friday.
December 12, 2024
IRS Wants Choice Retained In Dual Loss Rules, Official Says
The Internal Revenue Service is working to preserve flexibility for taxpayers in rules aimed at preventing companies from using the same economic loss twice after concerns were raised about how the rules could negatively interact with the Pillar Two global minimum tax, an official said Thursday.
December 12, 2024
IRS Seeks Feedback On Limits In Previous Taxed Profit Rules
The Internal Revenue Service will consider whether rules included in recently proposed guidance on previously taxed earnings and profits to limit instances where U.S. multinationals may use basis to offset gain are too restrictive, an official said Thursday.
December 12, 2024
CJEU Upholds €1.8M Tax On Volvo Group In Belgium
Belgium can impose a "fairness tax" totaling €1.8 million ($1.9 million) on nonresident companies without a permanent office in the country, the Court of Justice of the European Union said Thursday.
December 12, 2024
2nd Circ. Won't Rethink Dual Citizen's FBAR Penalties
The Second Circuit will not review its September decision finding that a dual U.S.-French citizen is liable for tax penalties for failing to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts, the court said Thursday.
December 12, 2024
Swiss To End Credit Offsetting India's Tax Treaty Snub
The Swiss government will no longer offer a credit to taxpayers designed to offset India's rejection of Swiss claims to benefits offered in other Indian tax treaties because India's top court decided to uphold its government's position, according to a notice.
December 12, 2024
German Fund Managers Charged In €45M Cum-Ex Scheme
Two fund managers have been charged in Germany for "particularly serious" tax evasion over their alleged role in a €45 million ($47 million) cum-ex dividend tax fraud, prosecutors confirmed Thursday.
December 12, 2024
IRS Hopes To Issue Amount B Pricing Guidance Within Weeks
Treasury is working to finish its guidance on the simplified transfer pricing approach to baseline marketing and distribution known as Amount B by the end of the year, a U.S. official said Thursday.
December 12, 2024
Treasury Seeks To Pause Anti-Laundering Law Injunction
The U.S. Treasury Department asked a Texas federal judge to pause his nationwide preliminary injunction of the Corporate Transparency Act pending an appeal of his recent decision that found Congress likely overstepped its constitutional authority when it wrote the anti-money laundering law.
December 12, 2024
Less Than Half Of Latin America Sees Taxes As Contributions
Only 47% of surveyed Latin American taxpayers consider their taxes as a contribution to the overall good of society as opposed to a cost they are forced to pay, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said Thursday, saying the figure was below the global average.
Expert Analysis
IRS Foreign Tax Credit Pause Is Welcome Course Correction
A recent IRS notice temporarily suspending application of 2022 foreign tax credit regulations provides wanted relief for the many U.S. multinational companies and other taxpayers that otherwise face the risk of significant double taxation in their international operations, say attorneys at Mayer Brown.
IRS Criminal Probe Spells Uncertainty For Malta Pension Plans
The IRS’ recent scrutiny of Malta pension plan arrangements — and its unusual issuance of criminal administrative summonses — confirms that it views many of these plans as illegal tax evasion schemes, and the road ahead will not be smooth and steady for anyone involved, say attorneys at Kostelanetz.
IRS Announcement Will Aid Cos. In Buyback Tax Planning
Recent IRS transitional guidance regarding current requirements for reporting and payment of the stock repurchase excise tax will help corporate taxpayers make decisions about records retention and establishing reserves for future tax payments, say Xenia Garofalo and Kyle Colonna at Eversheds Sutherland.
Flawed Analysis Supports Common Law Tax Deficiency Ruling
The Colorado federal district court’s recent decision in Liberty Global, holding that the U.S. Department of Justice may assert a common law tax claim without the notice of tax deficiency required by the Internal Revenue Code, relies on a contorted reading of the statute and irrelevant case law, say Loren Opper and Christie Galinski at Miller Canfield.
Review Of Repatriation Tax Sets Justices On Slippery Slope
The U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision to review the constitutionality of the repatriation tax in Moore v. U.S. has implications for many tax rules involving unrealized amounts and could leave the court on the brink of invalidating large swaths of the Internal Revenue Code, say attorneys at Eversheds Sutherland.
What To Make Of IRS' New Advance Pricing Guidance
Recent guidance on the IRS' goals for its advance pricing agreement system provides helpful insight into review and decision-making procedures for advance pricing agreement requests, but it also raises questions about the IRS' objectives, say Richard Slowinski and Stefanie Kavanagh at Alston & Bird.
Reserved Investor Fund Would Plug Gap In UK Finance Market
The reserved investor fund recently proposed by HM Treasury has the potential to be a welcome tax-efficient addition to the U.K.’s canon of products for real estate investments, with attractive features for companies and, in particular, large asset managers, say lawyers at Herbert Smith.
The Reciprocal Tax Bill Is A Warning Shot At Pillar 2
A bill recently introduced in the House of Representatives to reciprocally tax countries deemed to have imposed discriminatory taxes on U.S. citizens and businesses takes aim at countries implementing the global minimum tax treaty known as Pillar Two, with which the U.S. has not complied, says Alan Cole at the Tax Foundation.
What Tax-Exempt Orgs. Need From Energy Credit Guidance
Guidance clarifying the Inflation Reduction Act’s credit regime, expected from the U.S. Department of the Treasury this summer, should help tax-exempt organizations determine the benefits of clean energy projects and integrate alternative energy investments into their activities, say attorneys at Morgan Lewis.
How Foreign Info Return Penalty Case May Benefit Taxpayers
The U.S. Tax Court's recent decision that the Internal Revenue Service cannot penalize taxpayers for failing to file foreign corporation information returns may give similarly situated taxpayers an opportunity to also avoid penalties, provided they protect their rights before the decision is overturned or mooted by legislation, say attorneys at Arnold & Porter.
The Nuts And Bolts Of IRS Domestic Content Tax Credit
Recent IRS guidance provides specifics on how renewable energy projects can qualify for bonus tax credits by meeting U.S. domestic content rules, but also creates a qualification framework that will be complicated for project developers to navigate, say Scott Cockerham and Wolfram Pohl at Orrick.
Taxing The Digital Economy: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly
U.S. tech companies should watch for important developments in international taxation, including the resolution of Apple's decade-old state aid case, growing frustration with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's global tax plan and adoption of the digital services tax instead, says Joyce Beebe at Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy.
Big Tax Changes For Multinational Cos. In Budget Proposal
The Biden administration’s fiscal year 2024 budget proposes changes that would materially alter decades-old Internal Revenue Code provisions, requiring a shift in multinational corporations' tax planning strategies comparable to that required after enactment of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, say Xenia Garofalo and Kyle Colonna at Eversheds Sutherland.