State & Local
February 11, 2025
Ky. Revenue Through Jan. Up $197M From Last Year
Kentucky's general revenue collection from July through January was $197 million higher than the total for the same period last fiscal year, according to the Office of State Budget.
February 11, 2025
Minn. House Bill Seeks Corporate Tax Info Disclosures
The corporate franchise tax information of large Minnesota taxpayers would be disclosed to the public by the state Department of Revenue under legislation introduced in the state House of Representatives.
February 11, 2025
Commerce Powers Key In Battle Over Corp. Transparency Law
The question of whether Congress exceeded its powers to regulate commerce by enacting the Corporate Transparency Act is likely to feature in a potential U.S. Supreme Court resolution to around a dozen challenges to the law that are percolating through the courts.
February 11, 2025
Ohio House Bill Seeks Retroactive Depreciation Deduction
Ohio would allow taxpayers to deduct full depreciation expense amounts that are deductible for federal income tax purposes that were previously disallowed under a bill introduced in the state House of Representatives.
February 11, 2025
OptumRx Says Florida Incorrectly Apportioned Receipts
OptumRx said the Florida Department of Revenue used an incorrect apportionment formula for receipts from the company's pharmacy benefit management services, resulting in an increased $12.3 million tax bill.
February 11, 2025
Ohio General Revenues Through Jan. Beat Estimate By $226M
Ohio's general revenue from July through January surpassed forecasts by $226 million, according to a report by the Office of Budget Management.
February 11, 2025
Calif. Revenues Through Jan. Up $3.39B Over Forecast
California's total revenues from July through January beat estimates by $3.39 billion, according to the state controller.
February 11, 2025
SD Lawmakers OK Updated References To Federal Tax Code
South Dakota would update references in its tax statutes to the current Internal Revenue Code under a bill passed by state lawmakers and headed to the governor.
February 10, 2025
Business Groups Push For Bigger Estate Tax Break In Oregon
Boosting the exemption to Oregon's estate tax as proposed in legislation would protect a growing number of families from disruptive effects of the tax, business groups told a state Senate panel Monday.
February 10, 2025
Md. Court Affirms Ad Tax On Clear Channel Billboards
Clear Channel Outdoor is subject to the city of Baltimore's outdoor advertising tax, the Maryland Tax Court said in a decision released Monday, denying the company's request for a refund of taxes paid.
February 10, 2025
Ill. House Bill Seeks Broadband Equipment Sales Tax Break
Illinois would create a sales and use tax exemption for equipment used to provide broadband services under a bill introduced in the state House of Representatives.
February 10, 2025
NM Bill Would Exclude Some Healthcare Services From Tax
New Mexico would make the sales of some medical equipment and healthcare services deductible from the state's gross receipts tax under a bill introduced in the state House of Representatives.
February 10, 2025
Ill. House Bill Seeks Study Of Eliminating Property Tax System
Illinois would direct its Department of Revenue and the governor's Office and Management and Budget to determine the possibility of eliminating the state's property tax system and replacing the revenue with income tax receipts under a bill introduced in the state House of Representatives.
February 10, 2025
Minn. Senate Bill Would Restructure Income Tax Brackets
Minnesota would eliminate its lowest income tax bracket and alter its remaining tax brackets under a bill introduced Monday in the state Senate.
February 10, 2025
Ill. House Bill Seeks Income Tax Deduction For Betting Losses
Illinois would create an income tax deduction for losses from some betting transactions under a bill filed in the House of Representatives.
February 10, 2025
NM House Bill Seeks Small-Biz Tax Credit For Disasters
New Mexico would allow small businesses that have been affected by a disaster to claim a tax credit under a bill introduced in the state House of Representatives.
February 10, 2025
Skadden Adds Designer Of Tax Cut Act's Int'l Provisions In DC
Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP announced Monday it has hired a tax attorney who helped create some international provisions in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, and who joins the firm as House Republicans signal they'll vote to renew some measures of that bill that are set to expire.
February 10, 2025
Md. Bill Aims To Extend Apprenticeship Credit, End Wage Rule
Maryland would extend its apprenticeship tax credit by six years and remove the credit's requirement that apprentices be paid at least half the prevailing wage under legislation introduced in the state House of Delegates.
February 10, 2025
Conn. Net Revenue Through Dec. Up $421M From Last Year
Connecticut general net revenues from July through December outpaced the same period last fiscal year by $421 million, according to a report by the state Department of Revenue Services.
February 10, 2025
Md. House Bill Would Tax Sugary Beverages
Maryland would charge an excise tax on sugary drinks of 2 cents per ounce, adjusted annually, under a bill introduced in the state House of Delegates.
February 10, 2025
Pillsbury Recruits Former Mayer Brown Tax Pro In NY
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP said it has recruited a former Mayer Brown LLP tax expert to serve as a partner in Pillsbury's New York office.
February 10, 2025
Md. Bill Seeks Tax Credit For Small Biz Cybersecurity
Maryland would allow a refundable tax credit for some costs of cybersecurity measures undertaken by small businesses under legislation introduced in the state House of Delegates.
February 10, 2025
Ill. Bill Seeks Income Tax Break For Child Care Property Tax
Illinois would create an individual and corporate income tax deduction for property taxes paid by privately owned child care centers under a bill introduced in the state House of Representatives.
February 10, 2025
Ill. House Bill Would Cut Sales Tax On Diapers, Baby Wipes
Illinois would reduce its retail sales tax rate for diapers and baby wipes under a bill introduced in the state House of Representatives.
February 07, 2025
Md. Bill Would Bar Local Taxes On Carryout Bags
Maryland would bar local governments from imposing new taxes or other charges on carryout bags used by retail consumers under legislation introduced Friday.
Expert Analysis
Neb. Justices Should Weigh IRC Terms In Dividend Tax Case
Nebraska’s highest court, which will hear oral arguments in Precision CastParts v. Department of Revenue on April 1, should recognize that the Internal Revenue Code provides key clues to defining “dividends received or deemed to be received,” and therefore limits Nebraska’s tax on foreign-sourced corporate income, says Joseph Schmidt at Ryan.
Strange But True, Here And There: SALT In Review
From a confusing proposal to relocate the Louisiana Tax Commission to a perplexing legislative vote on a citizen initiative in Washington state, RSM's David Brunori offers his thoughts on noteworthy state and local tax news.
Judicial Independence Is Imperative This Election Year
As the next election nears, the judges involved in the upcoming trials against former President Donald Trump increasingly face political pressures and threats of violence — revealing the urgent need to safeguard judicial independence and uphold the rule of law, says Benes Aldana at the National Judicial College.
Spartan Arbitration Tactics Against Well-Funded Opponents
Like the ancient Spartans who held off a numerically superior Persian army at the Battle of Thermopylae, trial attorneys and clients faced with arbitration against an opponent with a bigger war chest can take a strategic approach to create a pass to victory, say Kostas Katsiris and Benjamin Argyle at Venable.
What Recent Study Shows About AI's Promise For Legal Tasks
Amid both skepticism and excitement about the promise of generative artificial intelligence in legal contexts, the first randomized controlled trial studying its impact on basic lawyering tasks shows mixed but promising results, and underscores the need for attorneys to proactively engage with AI, says Daniel Schwarcz at University of Minnesota Law School.
Gonna Fly Now From California: SALT In Review
From an actor's impending relocation to two more defeats of efforts to tax streaming services, RSM's David Brunori offers his thoughts on noteworthy state and local tax news.
Litigation Inspiration: A Source Of Untapped Fulfillment
As increasing numbers of attorneys struggle with stress and mental health issues, business litigators can find protection against burnout by remembering their important role in society — because fulfillment in one’s work isn’t just reserved for public interest lawyers, say Bennett Rawicki and Peter Bigelow at Hilgers Graben.
Think Like A Lawyer: Forget Everything You Know About IRAC
The mode of legal reasoning most students learn in law school, often called “Issue, Rule, Application, Conclusion,” or IRAC, erroneously frames analysis as a separate, discrete step, resulting in disorganized briefs and untold obfuscation — but the fix is pretty simple, says Luke Andrews at Poole Huffman.
How New EU Tax And Transfer Pricing Rules May Affect M&A
Companies involved in mergers and acquisitions may need to adjust fiscal due diligence procedures to ensure they consider potential far-reaching effects of newly implemented transfer pricing measures, such as newly implemented global minimum tax and European Union anti-tax avoidance directives and proposals, says Patrick Tijhuis at BDO.
How Firms Can Ensure Associate Gender Parity Lasts
Among associates, women now outnumber men for the first time, but progress toward gender equality at the top of the legal profession remains glacially slow, and firms must implement time-tested solutions to ensure associates’ gender parity lasts throughout their careers, say Kelly Culhane and Nicole Joseph at Culhane Meadows.
NY Shouldn't Pair 421-a Restoration And Good Cause Eviction
The good cause eviction system of rent control should not be imposed in New York, nor should its legislation be tied to renewal of the 421-a tax abatement program, which New York City desperately needs, says Alexander Lycoyannis at Holland & Knight.
7 Common Myths About Lateral Partner Moves
As lateral recruiting remains a key factor for law firm growth, partners considering a lateral move should be aware of a few commonly held myths — some of which contain a kernel of truth, and some of which are flat out wrong, says Dave Maurer at Major Lindsey.
DC's Housing Tax Break Proposal: What's In It, What's Missing
Proposed Washington, D.C., rules implementing the Housing in Downtown Tax Abatement program — for commercial property owners who convert properties into residential housing — thoroughly explain the process for submitting an application, but do not provide sufficient detail regarding the actual dollar value of the abatements, says Daniel Miktus at Akerman.