State & Local
February 04, 2025
Calif. Insurer Can't Get Tax Refund On In-State Shipments
A California insurance company can't get a refund of sales taxes paid when it placed orders with three vendors located out of state that the vendors fulfilled with shipments from within the state, the California Office of Tax Appeals ruled.
February 04, 2025
W.Va. Revenues Through Jan. Beat Forecast By $28M
West Virginia's general revenue collection from July through January exceeded a budget forecast by $28 million, according to a report by the State Budget Office.
February 04, 2025
NY Assembly Bill Seeks Tax Exemption For Radio Signal Gear
New York would establish a property tax exemption for equipment used for the transmission or switching of radio signals to provide commercial mobile radio service or mobile internet access service under a bill introduced in the state Assembly.
February 04, 2025
Colo. Senate OKs Sales Tax Audit Confidentiality Rules
Taxpayer information held by third-party sales tax auditors in Colorado would be subject to enhanced confidentiality standards under legislation passed by the state Senate.
February 04, 2025
Delaware's Revenue Surges $157M In 1st Half Of Fiscal Year
Delaware's total receipts from July through December exceeded the same period in the last fiscal year by $157 million, according to the state Department of Finance.
February 04, 2025
Md. House Bill Seeks End To Corporate Tax Credits
Maryland would end several corporate tax credits and the state's opportunity zone program under legislation in the state House of Delegates.
February 04, 2025
Wis. Senate Bill Would Exempt Gun Safes From Sales Tax
Wisconsin would exempt safes that are used to store guns from sales and use tax as part of a bill introduced in the state Senate.
February 04, 2025
Md. House Bill Would Allow Tax Credits For Local Newsrooms
Maryland would allow state income tax credits for portions of earnings paid to newsroom employees by local news organizations under legislation introduced in the state House of Delegates.
February 04, 2025
Ariz. Senate Bill Seeks Tax Subtraction For Capital Gains
Arizona would allow a subtraction from state taxable income of a portion of capital gains under legislation introduced in the state Senate.
February 03, 2025
Calif. Panel Affirms County's Sales Tax
A half-cent sales tax approved by a simple majority of voters in a California county is a general tax, not a special tax, and thus not subject to requirements to be approved by two-thirds of the voters, a California appeals court panel ruled, upholding a trial court decision.
February 03, 2025
Calif. OTA Denies Sales Tax Refund For Drug System Parts
A biopharmaceutical company is not eligible for refunds of sales and use taxes for components of a diabetes drug delivery system that it developed but was never federally approved, the California Office of Tax Appeals said in a ruling released Monday.
February 03, 2025
Texas Gov. Floats $10B Property Tax Relief Proposal
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott urged lawmakers to again overhaul the state's property tax regime, saying he would support legislation that would provide at least $10 billion in tax relief.
February 03, 2025
Ariz. Panel OKs Bill To Clarify Sales Tax Sourcing Location
Arizona would clarify that the location of a transaction for sales tax purposes is the seller's business location if that seller receives the order in the state under legislation approved by a House panel Monday.
February 03, 2025
Iowa Justices Decline To Hear Capital Gains Deduction Case
The Iowa Supreme Court will not review an appellate court ruling that found two business partners were not eligible to claim a capital gains deduction for gains resulting from their individual sales of goodwill.
February 03, 2025
Calif. Couple Can't Claim Biz Loss, OTA Says
A California couple cannot claim a business loss deduction for the company they were partners in because they were calendar-year taxpayers and the loss occurred in the wrong year, the state Office of Tax Appeals said in a ruling released Monday.
February 03, 2025
Ill. Bill Seeks Tax Break For Megaproject Building Materials
Illinois would provide an exemption from any state or local use tax or retailers occupation tax for building materials incorporated into real estate at what are known as megaproject sites as part of a bill filed in the state House of Representatives.
February 03, 2025
Ill. House Floats Income Tax Deduction Bill For Union Dues
Illinois would create an income tax deduction for union dues for taxpayers who weren't allowed a deduction under federal law as part of a bill filed in the state House of Representatives.
February 03, 2025
Calif. Couple's Stock Income Subject To State Tax, OTA Says
A California couple is liable for tax and interest assessed on their exercising of nonqualified stock options and vesting of restricted stock units because the income was sourced to the state, the state Office of Tax Appeals said in a ruling released Monday.
February 03, 2025
Ariz. Justices OK Energy Co.'s Depreciation In Tax Value Fight
The depreciated value of a component of a power transmission company's facilities may be negative for purposes of calculating the property's tax value, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled, partly vacating an appeals court decision.
February 03, 2025
Minn. Senate Bill Seeks Cuts To Corporate Income Tax Rate
Minnesota would phase down its corporate franchise tax rate and its alternative minimum franchise tax rate over the next two years under a bill introduced in the state Senate on Monday.
February 03, 2025
Iowa Couple Missed Chance For Solar Tax Credits, Judge Says
An Iowa couple were properly denied solar energy tax credits because they failed to file their application for the credits on time, an administrative law judge ruled.
February 03, 2025
RI House Bill Would Exempt Beer From Sales And Use Tax
Rhode Island would exempt beer and malt liquors from the state's retail sales and use tax as part of a bill introduced in the state House of Representatives.
February 03, 2025
Minn. Senate Bill Seeks Broadband Fiber Sales Tax Exemption
Fiber and conduit purchased or leased in Minnesota by internet service providers would be exempt from state sales and use tax under a bill introduced in the state Senate on Monday.
February 03, 2025
RI Bill Would Allow Taxes On College Endowments Over $1B
Rhode Island would allow cities and towns to tax private university and college endowments of more than $1 billion under a bill introduced in the state House of Representatives.
January 31, 2025
Dry Spell In High Court SALT Cases Leaves Gaps In Tax Rules
A roughly six-year dry spell in significant state and local tax rulings from the U.S. Supreme Court has left some tax practitioners wanting for clarity about how dormant commerce clause precedent should be applied to cross-border transactions in the modern economy.
Expert Analysis
Speaking Of Ideas Hard To Swallow: SALT In Review
From a Pennsylvania bill that would force corporate tax disclosure to a proposed candy tax in California, RSM's David Brunori offers his thoughts on noteworthy state and local tax news.
Requiring Leave To File Amicus Briefs Is A Bad Idea
A proposal to amend the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure that would require parties to get court permission before filing federal amicus briefs would eliminate the long-standing practice of consent filing and thereby make the process less open and democratic, says Lawrence Ebner at the Atlantic Legal Foundation and DRI Center.
4 Ways To Motivate Junior Attorneys To Bring Their Best
As Gen Z and younger millennial attorneys increasingly express dissatisfaction with their work and head for the exits, the lawyers who manage them must understand and attend to their needs and priorities to boost engagement and increase retention, says Stacey Schwartz at Katten.
Former Minn. Chief Justice Instructs On Writing Better Briefs
Former Minnesota Supreme Court Chief Justice Lorie Gildea, now at Greenberg Traurig, offers strategies on writing more effective appellate briefs from her time on the bench.
Stay Interviews Are Key To Retaining Legal Talent
Even as the economy shifts and layoffs continue, law firms still want to retain their top attorneys, and so-called stay interviews — informal conversations with employees to identify potential issues before they lead to turnover — can be a crucial tool for improving retention and morale, say Tina Cohen Nicol and Kate Reder Sheikh at Major Lindsey.
Neb. Justices Should Weigh IRC Terms In Dividend Tax Case
Nebraska’s highest court, which will hear oral arguments in Precision CastParts v. Department of Revenue on April 1, should recognize that the Internal Revenue Code provides key clues to defining “dividends received or deemed to be received,” and therefore limits Nebraska’s tax on foreign-sourced corporate income, says Joseph Schmidt at Ryan.
Strange But True, Here And There: SALT In Review
From a confusing proposal to relocate the Louisiana Tax Commission to a perplexing legislative vote on a citizen initiative in Washington state, RSM's David Brunori offers his thoughts on noteworthy state and local tax news.
Judicial Independence Is Imperative This Election Year
As the next election nears, the judges involved in the upcoming trials against former President Donald Trump increasingly face political pressures and threats of violence — revealing the urgent need to safeguard judicial independence and uphold the rule of law, says Benes Aldana at the National Judicial College.
Spartan Arbitration Tactics Against Well-Funded Opponents
Like the ancient Spartans who held off a numerically superior Persian army at the Battle of Thermopylae, trial attorneys and clients faced with arbitration against an opponent with a bigger war chest can take a strategic approach to create a pass to victory, say Kostas Katsiris and Benjamin Argyle at Venable.
What Recent Study Shows About AI's Promise For Legal Tasks
Amid both skepticism and excitement about the promise of generative artificial intelligence in legal contexts, the first randomized controlled trial studying its impact on basic lawyering tasks shows mixed but promising results, and underscores the need for attorneys to proactively engage with AI, says Daniel Schwarcz at University of Minnesota Law School.
Gonna Fly Now From California: SALT In Review
From an actor's impending relocation to two more defeats of efforts to tax streaming services, RSM's David Brunori offers his thoughts on noteworthy state and local tax news.
Litigation Inspiration: A Source Of Untapped Fulfillment
As increasing numbers of attorneys struggle with stress and mental health issues, business litigators can find protection against burnout by remembering their important role in society — because fulfillment in one’s work isn’t just reserved for public interest lawyers, say Bennett Rawicki and Peter Bigelow at Hilgers Graben.
Think Like A Lawyer: Forget Everything You Know About IRAC
The mode of legal reasoning most students learn in law school, often called “Issue, Rule, Application, Conclusion,” or IRAC, erroneously frames analysis as a separate, discrete step, resulting in disorganized briefs and untold obfuscation — but the fix is pretty simple, says Luke Andrews at Poole Huffman.