Vietnam Veterans of America et al v. Central Intelligence Agency et al

  1. November 19, 2013

    DOD Test Subjects Must Receive Warning Info, Judge Says

    A California federal judge on Tuesday ordered the U.S. Department of Defense to provide Army biological and chemical agent test subjects with new information about the substances to which they were exposed and the potential health risks, ruling the Army has an ongoing duty to warn the subjects.

  2. July 25, 2013

    DOD Has Ongoing Duty To Warn Chemical-Test Subjects

    A California federal judge granted the U.S. Department of Defense partial summary judgment Wednesday in a class action brought by current and former military members who were allegedly exposed to chemical and biological agents without warning during CIA experiments, but said the government must provide the class with any new information going forward.

  3. October 03, 2012

    Soldiers Suing CIA Over Secret Chemical Tests Win Class Cert.

    A California federal judge on Sunday certified a class of approximately 100,000 current and former members of the military who have allegedly been exposed to chemical and biological agents without warning during CIA experiments.

  4. April 09, 2012

    Veterans Groups Win Bid For Docs In CIA Experiment Case

    A California federal judge on Friday demanded government agencies produce hundreds of previously withheld documents concerning CIA experiments that allegedly exposed current and former military members to chemical and biological agents.

  5. February 13, 2012

    Vets Seek Class Cert. Over Alleged Chemical Experiments

    Vietnam veterans groups urged a California federal judge on Thursday to certify a class of current and former service members in a suit accusing the CIA of exposing them to chemical and biological agents during experiments without their informed consent.

  6. July 29, 2011

    CIA Wants Out Of Vietnam Vet Experiment Suit

    The CIA on Thursday asked a California federal judge to deny a request by Vietnam War veterans that they be released from a "secrecy oath" preventing them from sharing information about alleged government experiments on U.S. soldiers, saying the veterans had not demonstrated such an oath was actually administered.