1. July 12, 2016

    Armstrong Says Gov't Can't Show He Asked For $32M Payout

    Disgraced cycling star Lance Armstrong hit back Monday at the government's April push to establish the amount of money it paid out in sponsorship dollars while he lied about his use of performance-enhancing drugs, saying the government failed to show he had a hand in 42 invoices totaling more than $32 million in funds.

  2. June 09, 2016

    Armstrong Can't Deny Authenticity Of Documentary Footage

    A D.C. federal judge on Wednesday ruled that disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong could not deny the authenticity of his responses in a documentary but will not have to sit for additional questioning regarding the documentary footage and transcripts in the ongoing False Claims Act suit brought by his former teammate Floyd Landis.

  3. April 28, 2016

    Armstrong Says USPS' Returns Negate False Claims Damages

    Disgraced cycling champ Lance Armstrong and other defendants in a False Claims Act suit over millions of sponsorship dollars the U.S. Postal Service paid his team told a D.C. district court the government's pleas for damages fall flat Wednesday, the same day the Department of Justice moved to establish damages.

  4. April 27, 2016

    Armstrong Can Use Brand Value Expert In USPS FCA Suit

    A D.C. federal court will allow disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong to put forth expert testimony from two marketing data sets on the value he brought to the U.S. Postal Service-sponsored cycling team in a False Claims Act suit over a doping scheme during that sponsorship, but Armstrong must make his expert available for additional deposition time.

  5. April 04, 2016

    US Says Armstrong Hasn't Disclosed USPS Brand Studies Data

    The U.S. government asked a D.C. federal court to preclude expert testimony based on two marketing surveys on the public perception of the U.S. Postal Service in a False Claims Act suit against disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong, arguing that Armstrong had deliberately withheld the data.

  6. February 17, 2016

    Armstrong Says USPS 'Looked The Other Way' On Doping

    Former cyclist Lance Armstrong told a DC federal judge Wednesday that the Postal Service knew professional cycling was a "cesspool" of doping when it sponsored Armstrong's career, illustrating his ongoing argument that the government won't be able to prove it was damaged by his alleged lies over performance-enhancing drug use.

  7. February 09, 2016

    Landis Joins Gov't Call To Rethink Armstrong FCA Ruling

    Floyd Landis, a former teammate of disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong who hit him with a False Claims Act suit over doping on the U.S. Postal Service cycling team, on Monday joined a bid by the U.S. government asking a D.C. federal court to reconsider tossing claims seeking repayment of the team's sponsorship money.

  8. February 03, 2016

    Feds Say No Clause Needed To Be Repaid For Armstrong Ads

    The U.S. government on Tuesday asked a D.C. federal court to reconsider its decision to slash a claim that Lance Armstrong's team can be forced to repay the U.S. Postal Service's sponsorship money because it allegedly lied about the team's drug use.

  9. January 26, 2016

    Armstrong, Patton Boggs Emails Ruled Privileged In FCA Suit

    A D.C. federal judge on Tuesday agreed with Lance Armstrong that emails between the cyclist, his Patton Boggs attorneys and the former CEO of Livestrong Foundation amid a U.S. Anti-Doping Agency investigation are privileged and can keep their redactions in a False Claims Act suit over a $40 million U.S. Postal Service sponsorship deal.

  10. January 25, 2016

    Armstrong Fights More Questioning Over Doping Documentary

    Lance Armstrong has resisted additional questioning about the 2013 documentary "The Armstrong Lie," in a suit over the disgraced cyclist's $40 million U.S. Postal Service sponsorship deal, telling a D.C. federal judge on Friday that the request comes too late.