City of Detroit, Michigan

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Case overview

Case Number:



Michigan Eastern

Nature of Suit:



Government Agencies

Sectors & Industries:

  1. March 12, 2024

    Detroit Retirees Appeal Pension Gap Funding Pause

    Detroit's retired police and firefighters are appealing a ruling that allowed the city to continue pausing its pension gap funding payments, asking a Michigan federal court to reverse a bankruptcy judge's decision that extended a decade-long funding reprieve to 30 years.

  2. October 11, 2023

    Mich. AG In Contempt For Detroit Bankruptcy Docs Handling

    A Michigan bankruptcy judge has held the state's attorney general's office in civil contempt for releasing confidential documents from settlement talks in the city of Detroit's 2014 bankruptcy to defendants in the now-dismissed criminal prosecutions over the Flint water crisis.

  3. August 11, 2023

    Detroit Tells Judge To Ignore Bid To Speed Pension Payments

    Detroit fire and police retirees are rehashing already rejected arguments in their second attempt to move up Detroit's timeline for funding its pension system following the city's bankruptcy, the city said in a filing in U.S. Bankruptcy Court. 

  4. June 27, 2023

    Detroit Pension Fund Can't Force Steeper Payments

    A Michigan bankruptcy judge has sided with the city of Detroit in a payment plan dispute with the city's police and fire pension system, finding the city can stretch out its payments to the pension fund over a period of 30 years.

  5. March 30, 2016

    $14M In Detroit Bankruptcy Claims Punted Back To City

    A Michigan federal bankruptcy judge booted more than $14 million in workers' compensation and other claims against the city of Detroit out of court and back onto the city's desk on Wednesday after a deadline for objections expired.

  6. February 12, 2015

    Jones Day's $58M Fee In Detroit Bankruptcy Cleared By Judge

    Detroit's bankruptcy judge on Thursday approved $58 million in fees for Jones Day and another $120 million for other attorneys and advisers for their work on the city's long slog through Chapter 9, saying that the case's complexity warranted the large award.

  7. February 06, 2015

    Detroit Says County's Real Estate Claim Came Too Late

    The city of Detroit urged a bankruptcy judge Thursday to shut down neighboring Wayne County's bid for a valuable plot of land that was handed off to Syncora Holdings Ltd. during one of the bitterest fights in Detroit's long bankruptcy.

  8. January 16, 2015

    Jones Day Says It Ate $18M In Fees For Detroit Bankruptcy

    Jones Day attorneys on Friday defended their nearly $54 million legal bill in Detroit's bankruptcy, telling a Michigan federal judge the firm cut almost $18 million from the tab in agreements with the city.

  9. January 06, 2015

    Detroit Judge Asks Attys, Others To Defend Fees

    The nearly $178 million legal bill for Detroit's bankruptcy will be under scrutiny in the coming weeks, after a judge on Monday asked the army of lawyers and other professionals who worked on the case to show that their fees are reasonable.

  10. December 11, 2014

    Detroit Mediators Announce End Of Bankruptcy Fee Disputes

    Lawyers, bankers and consultants in the Detroit bankruptcy agreed to cut their fees and expenses by millions, mediators charged with sorting through the professionals' bills said Thursday, a day after the city officially emerged from the largest municipal insolvency in U.S. history.