City of Detroit, Michigan

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Case Number:



Michigan Eastern

Nature of Suit:



Government Agencies

Sectors & Industries:

  1. October 11, 2013

    US Blasts Retirees' Attempt To Thwart Detroit Bankruptcy

    Detroit's bid for Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection doesn't conflict with the U.S. Constitution, the federal government told a U.S. bankruptcy judge Friday in response to objections by two of the unions representing some of the city's public-sector retirees.

  2. October 08, 2013

    Detroit Given 35 Days To Deal With Pending Tort Claims

    The city of Detroit has 35 days to come up with a plan to deal with several hundred lawsuits against it before at least one litigant will be allowed to pursue her tort claims, a judge ruled Tuesday.

  3. October 04, 2013

    Jones Day's Detroit Contract Capped At $18M

    Detroit will pay up to $18 million to Jones Day for guiding the city through bankruptcy and restructuring, a sum that is more than five times greater than the contract previously inked between the city and the law firm.

  4. October 02, 2013

    Detroit Retirees May Pursue Ruling Over Extra Checks

    Detroit retirees received the go-ahead from a bankruptcy judge on Wednesday to seek a written order from a judge who had said the city violated labor laws when it discontinued the practice of awarding extra checks to retirees in certain years.

  5. September 26, 2013

    Report Uncovers Inconsistencies In Detroit Pension Funds

    An audit report released Thursday shows that Detroit's pension funds have distributed funds to members inconsistently for several years, and that the excess allocations may have contributed substantially to the city's debt problem.

  6. September 18, 2013

    Detroit Workers Demand Orr Testifies On Talks With Gov.

    Public sector retirees and city workers pressed a Michigan bankruptcy court Wednesday to compel Detroit Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr to answer questions regarding his communications with the Michigan governor's office in the run-up to the July Chapter 9 filing, arguing the common interest privilege doesn't apply.

  7. September 17, 2013

    Detroit Defends Ch. 9 Bid Against Retirees' Objections

    Detroit's bid for Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection doesn't conflict with the Michigan Constitution's pensions clause, the city told a federal bankruptcy judge Tuesday in response to objections by the committee representing the city's public-sector retirees.

  8. September 17, 2013

    Detroit Says Kirkland Atty Can't Testify In Syncora Row

    A Kirkland & Ellis LLP attorney who represents bond insurer Syncora Guarantee Inc. in Detroit's historic bankruptcy proceedings should not be allowed to testify because she would abuse the attorney-client privilege, the city told a Michigan bankruptcy judge on Monday.

  9. September 13, 2013

    Detroit Ch. 9 Eligibility Objections Set For October

    A Michigan federal judge on Thursday said he has received 110 timely objections from unions, retirees and others to Detroit's bid for Chapter 9 protection and has scheduled two days of oral arguments in October to address those that raise legal issues.

  10. September 11, 2013

    Detroit Retirees Ask Federal Court To Weigh Bankruptcy

    Detroit's official committee of retirees on Wednesday asked a Michigan federal court to consider the constitutional, statutory and factual challenges to the city's bankruptcy filing, saying the bankruptcy court does not have the constitutional authority to determine the issues.