EEOC v. Freeman

  1. February 20, 2015

    4th Circ. Judge Rips EEOC In Background-Check Bias Loss

    A Fourth Circuit judge on Friday ripped the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission as a circuit panel rejected the agency's bid to revive bias claims in a battle over a company's use of background checks, saying the EEOC continued to defend an expert with a record of "slipshod work."

  2. September 04, 2014

    Freeman Hits Back In 4th Circ. EEOC Background Check Case

    The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's assertions that a 300-day limitations period shouldn't apply to pattern or practice bias claims in a battle over event services company Freeman's use of background checks conflict with precedent and Title VII's text, Freeman told the Fourth Circuit Wednesday.

  3. September 03, 2014

    EEOC Assails Limitations Window In Background Check Case

    The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission told the Fourth Circuit Wednesday that two recent district court rulings supported the argument that a 300-day limit shouldn't have been applied to EEOC pattern or practice discrimination claims over event services company Freeman's use of background checks.

  4. April 10, 2014

    Chamber Backs Freeman In EEOC Race, Gender Bias Suit

    The U.S. Chamber of Commerce backed event services company Freeman Wednesday in a Fourth Circuit fight with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, arguing that the agency's race and gender bias suit over background checks on would-be Freeman employees was rightly tossed.

  5. April 03, 2014

    Court Right To Bar EEOC Evidence, Freeman Tells 4th Circ.

    Event services company Freeman urged the Fourth Circuit Wednesday not to revive an U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission race and gender bias suit over background checks on would-be employees, arguing that the trial court correctly deemed statistical evidence from the EEOC "completely unreliable."

  6. January 30, 2014

    EEOC Urges Revival Of Freeman Background Check Bias Suit

    The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on Wednesday asked the Fourth Circuit to revive its race and gender discrimination suit over event planner Freeman's background checks on would-be employees, saying a lower court was wrong to exclude its expert reports.

  7. January 01, 2014

    EEOC Cases To Watch In 2014

    Court battles involving the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission will be getting close scrutiny in 2014 as attorneys look for guidance from judges caught between the EEOC and companies who say the agency is overstepping its bounds.