USA v. Sanford-Brown, Limited, et al

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Case Number:



Appellate - 7th Circuit

Nature of Suit:

3375 False Claims Act

  1. October 24, 2016

    Escobar Can't Tip 7th Circ. Shutdown Of College FCA Suit

    The Seventh Circuit on Monday reaffirmed its decision to shut down a $52 million whistleblower suit accusing Sanford-Brown College of violating federal education laws even after reconsidering a portion of its reasoning at the U.S. Supreme Court's behest after its June Escobar ruling.

  2. June 28, 2016

    Escobar Revives $52M FCA Suit Against For-Profit College Co.

    A $52 million False Claims Act suit that accused Sanford-Brown College of violating federal education laws in a bid to get more student aid dollars was resuscitated on Monday by the U.S. Supreme Court, which ordered the Seventh Circuit to reconsider the case in light of a recent ruling that has federal contractors worried.

  3. August 04, 2015

    Full 7th Circ. Won't Rehear $52M College Aid FCA Suit

    The Seventh Circuit on Tuesday sealed a win for a Wisconsin college and its parent, Career Education Corp., over False Claims Act allegations that the for-profit school lied to the federal government to obtain $52 million in grants and loans, rebuffing pushes for an en banc rehearing from a whistleblower and the U.S. government.

  4. July 06, 2015

    Gov't Urges 7th Circ. To Rehear $52M College Aid FCA Suit

    The federal government and a whistleblower who alleged a Career Education Corp.-owned college lied to rake in $51.8 million from federal grants and loans pushed the Seventh Circuit for a rehearing Thursday, saying the original panel misinterpreted the False Claims Act when it ruled for the college.

  5. June 08, 2015

    7th Circ. Won't Revive FCA Suit Against Wis. College

    A for-profit Wisconsin college and its parent, Career Education Corp., again defeated a False Claims Act suit on Monday, after a Seventh Circuit panel ruled against reinstating allegations the school lied to the federal government to obtain grants and loans for students.

  6. January 08, 2015

    Wis. For-Profit College Defrauded Gov't, 7th Circ. Told

    A former administrator at a Wisconsin for-profit college on Thursday pressed the Seventh Circuit to resurrect his False Claims Act suit alleging the school and its parent, Career Education Corp., lied to the federal government to fraudulently obtain grants and loans for students.