IN RE: National Hockey League Players' Concussion Injury Litigation

  1. March 11, 2016

    Ex-Players Slam NHL's Bid For Testing In Concussion MDL

    Former professional hockey players suing the NHL for allegedly hiding the risks of concussions struck back at a bid by the league to subject them to independent medical examinations Thursday, telling a Minnesota federal judge that the proposed tests are invasive and unnecessary.

  2. March 01, 2016

    NHL Wants Medical Exam For Ex-Players In Concussion MDL

    Former professional hockey players leading a consolidated suit in Minnesota federal court that accuses the NHL of hiding the risks of concussions should be subject to an independent medical examination because it is a routine requirement for these sorts of cases, the league said Monday.

  3. February 09, 2016

    NHL Says Ex-Players Can't Bring Spouses' Loss Claims

    The National Hockey League again asked the Minnesota federal court overseeing multidistrict litigation over concussions and head injuries to toss claims by some of the former players seeking compensation for their spouses and for estates of players who have died, this time saying the players lack standing.

  4. February 02, 2016

    NHL Players Want Discovery To Continue In Concussion MDL

    Former hockey players on Tuesday urged the Minnesota federal court overseeing consolidated litigation alleging the NHL hid the risks of concussions not to grant the league's bid to put the case on hold until a ruling on its 2014 motion to toss the suit, arguing the league's "cries of unfairness ring hollow."

  5. February 01, 2016

    NHL Seeks Ruling On Bid To Toss Concussion MDL Claims

    The National Hockey League on Monday said the Minnesota federal court overseeing the multidistrict litigation over the league's alleged failures to protect its players from concussions should no longer delay ruling on its year-old motion to toss claims by a group of retired players, arguing that a recent federal court decision tossing a similar suit offers a blueprint.

  6. January 25, 2016

    NHL Wants Spouses' Loss Claims Tossed In Concussion MDL

    The National Hockey League went back to Minnesota federal court Friday to bolster its bid to eject multidistrict litigation against the league over players' head injuries, arguing that new claims for compensation for the spouses and estates of deceased pros are preempted by federal labor law.

  7. January 21, 2016

    Court Orders NHL Exec's Emails Unsealed In Concussion MDL

    A Minnesota federal judge unsealed several National Hockey League documents filed as part of discovery in multidistrict litigation brought by former players over concussions, including a batch of emails from NHL executive Colin Campbell that the league had argued would be embarrassing and harm its reputation, according to an order unsealed Wednesday.

  8. January 13, 2016

    NHL Wants Concussion Discovery Iced Until Dismissal Ruling

    The National Hockey League on Tuesday said that discovery should be put on hold in the Minnesota multidistrict litigation over hockey players' concussions until the league gets a ruling on its bid to throw out the cases, arguing that the expensive discovery process could easily go to waste.

  9. November 30, 2015

    NHL Wants Concussion Doc Demands Applied In Canada

    The National Hockey League last week asked the Minnesota federal court overseeing concussion litigation brought by former players to push a Canadian court to force a group of doctors and medical scholars who advised the players union to hand over related documents and communications sought by the league.

  10. October 30, 2015

    NHL Wants Players To Say Concussion Studies Aren't Flawless

    The National Hockey League asked a Minnesota federal court to force former players alleging the league hid the risks of concussions to admit that studies cited in their suit contain "caveats or other limiting language" and to respond to their questions on scientific theories.