United States of America et al v. KBR INC et al

  1. October 15, 2015

    KBR Must Face Whisteblower Suit Over 'Excess' Supplies

    An Illinois federal judge said on Thursday that two ex-KBR Inc. employees have sufficiently detailed their allegations that the company bought excess supplies under a contract to provide logistical support in Iraq and Afghanistan for their False Claims Act suit to move forward.

  2. September 01, 2015

    Whistleblowers Rushing Discovery Bid In FCA Suit, KBR Says

    KBR Inc. asked an Illinois federal judge Monday to reject whistleblowers' request to discuss discovery issues in a False Claims Act suit, saying the move was an attempt to prematurely begin discovery before the court decides whether it will hear the case.

  3. March 31, 2015

    KBR Wants FCA Suit Over 'Excess' War Zone Supplies Tossed

    Defense contractor KBR Inc. on Monday urged an Illinois federal judge to dismiss a False Claims Act suit brought by two ex-employees accusing it of buying excessive supplies that it stockpiled under a logistical support contract for Iraq and Afghanistan, saying the relators failed to detail any false claims.

  4. October 10, 2014

    KBR Hit With FCA Suit Over 'Excess' LOGCAP III Supplies

    Defense contracting giant KBR Inc. has been accused of buying hundreds of millions of dollars of excessive or duplicate supplies that it stockpiled under a massive LOGCAP III logistical support contract for Iraq and Afghanistan, according to a False Claims Act suit unsealed Thursday in Illinois.