Jan Donnawell v. Daniel Hamburger, et al

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Case Number:



Appellate - 7th Circuit

Nature of Suit:

4160 Stockholders Suits


Sectors & Industries:

  1. October 20, 2015

    7th Circ. Won't Revive DeVry Shareholder Derivative Suit

    The Seventh Circuit on Tuesday upheld the dismissal of a DeVry Inc. shareholder derivative action accusing the for-profit education company of violating an incentive plan by awarding its CEO too many stock options, saying the company corrected its mistake.

  2. June 18, 2015

    Shareholders Urge 7th Circ. To Revive DeVry Derivative Suit

    DeVry shareholders are appealing the dismissal of their shareholder derivative action alleging that the for-profit education company violated an incentive plan by awarding its CEO too much in stock options, filing an opening salvo with the Seventh Circuit on Wednesday.