TSAWD Holdings, Inc., et al

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Government Agencies

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  1. August 02, 2016

    Sports Authority Judge Rejects Exec Bonuses, OKs Rent Deal

    A Delaware bankruptcy judge gave Sports Authority the nod Tuesday for a settlement that resolves both a rent fight with landlords and unsecured creditors' bid to convert the case to Chapter 7, but rejected a move to pay the liquidating retail chain's executives up to $2.8 million in bonuses.

  2. July 29, 2016

    Sports Authority Reaches Deal To Pay Rents, Avoid Ch. 7

    Sports Authority told the Delaware bankruptcy court Friday that it has resolved both its fight with landlords over post-petition rent, with a deal that would see term lenders cover the bulk of the cost, and unsecured creditors' bid to convert its Chapter 11 case to a Chapter 7 liquidation.

  3. July 22, 2016

    Sports Authority's Unsecured Creditors Urge Ch. 7 Conversion

    Sports Authority's unsecured creditors committee pushed the Delaware bankruptcy court Friday to convert the case to a Chapter 7 liquidation, arguing that there's no way the defunct retailer can even pay its $50 million pool of administrative claims, let alone other lenders, and that staying in Chapter 11 abuses the system.

  4. July 21, 2016

    Broncos Want $1M From Sports Authority Over Ad Deal

    The Denver Broncos on Thursday asked a Delaware bankruptcy court to assert a more than $1 million claim against Sports Authority over the bankrupt retailer's effective termination of a sponsorship agreement that included promotional rights on the football club's stadium.

  5. July 21, 2016

    Sports Authority Creditors Fight $71M Lender Deal, Bonuses

    Unsecured creditors of bankrupt retailer Sports Authority are calling for postponement of hearings on an executive bonus plan and a company deal to free up working cash in exchange for a $71 million super-priority creditor claim, saying the company has yet to produce a promised budget or plan for a case wind-up.

  6. July 15, 2016

    Sports Authority Gets Ch. 11 Approval For IP, Lease Sales

    Sporting goods retailer Sports Authority received court approval on Friday for a series of sales that will divest the bankrupt company of its intellectual property and dozens of property leases as it moves into the wind-down phase of its debt restructuring.

  7. July 13, 2016

    Sports Authority, Pre-Bankruptcy Lenders Ink $71M Deal

    Sports Authority and the agent for the retailer's $300 million in pre-bankruptcy debt asked a Delaware bankruptcy court on Tuesday to approve a settlement freeing up the cash needed to complete the liquidation and allowing the lenders a $71 million claim.

  8. July 12, 2016

    Sports Authority Landlords Want No Changes In Sold Leases

    Landlords holding leases for seven Sports Authority locations across the nation objected to proposed designation of the leases to Dick's Sporting Goods on Monday in Delaware bankruptcy court, saying the sale would allow substantial changes to the terms of the leases.

  9. July 07, 2016

    Sports Authority Gets Nod For 'Perfect' Vendor Settlement

    A Delaware bankruptcy judge gave Sports Authority the nod Thursday to settle much of the fierce dispute with its consignment vendors, despite opposition from the unsecured creditors committee, calling the deal a "perfect settlement" that will avoid years worth of litigation.

  10. July 01, 2016

    Bankrupt Sports Authority Unveils New Vendor Settlement

    Sports Authority Holdings Inc. on Thursday unveiled another settlement with consignment vendors over how to treat their proceeds, after pulling out of an earlier deal to resolve the issue, and the new proposed resolution has crucial backing from the bankrupt retailer's term lenders, which opposed the prior agreement.