Edward O'Bannon, Jr. v. NCAA, et al

  1. February 15, 2018

    O'Bannon Meets 'Game Of Thrones' In 9th Circ. NCAA Row

    The NCAA urged the Ninth Circuit on Thursday to reject a $42 million fee award to attorneys for student-athletes who successfully fought rules barring them from exploiting their publicity rights, arguing the students didn't win their whole case and the lower court erroneously used an "all-or-nothing, winner-takes-all, 'Game of Thrones' approach" to fees.

  2. March 24, 2017

    NCAA Says O'Bannon 'Win' Not Enough For $42M Attys' Fee

    The NCAA asked the Ninth Circuit to deny a $42 million attorneys' fee request in the long-running litigation over rules barring student-athletes from being paid for the use of their names, images and likenesses, arguing Thursday that the win was only partial and doesn't warrant such a large award.

  3. February 17, 2017

    O'Bannon Attys Tell 9th Circ. NCAA Must Pay $42M Fee Award

    Attorneys for the student-athletes who obtained a ruling preventing the NCAA from capping what schools can provide them below the full cost of attendance told the Ninth Circuit on Thursday they are entitled to over $42 million in attorneys' fees.