Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd., et al., Petitioners v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, et al.

  1. December 14, 2018

    The Biggest Health Care Cases Of 2018

    Health care providers, insurers and consumers cheered and jeered remarkable rulings this year in cases involving the Affordable Care Act, the False Claims Act and huge sums of Medicare Advantage reimbursement. Here, Law360 recaps the year's biggest litigation developments.

  2. June 05, 2018

    Kennedy Ends 'Masterpiece' With LGBT Rights Legacy Intact

    The case of a baker who refused custom cake orders for same-sex weddings on religious grounds was perhaps the biggest test yet of Justice Anthony Kennedy's robust LGBT rights legacy, but after the dust settled on Monday's ruling in favor of the baker, that record remained largely unblemished.

  3. June 04, 2018

    Supreme Court Sides With Baker In LGBT Rights Case

    The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday ruled in favor of a Christian baker who refused to bake a custom wedding cake ordered from a same-sex couple in a high-profile LGBT rights case involving the state of Colorado, though it largely ducked the core constitutional questions in the case.