Optis Wireless Technology, LLC et al v. Apple Inc.

  1. March 03, 2020

    Gilstrap Won't Judge Global FRAND Law, But US Is Fair Game

    U.S. District Judge Rodney Gilstrap won't decide whether PanOptis met its foreign obligations to offer Apple a fair, reasonable and nondiscriminatory license on patents that are essential to the 4G LTE wireless standard, but he will consider whether the company's licensing efforts for U.S. patents were sufficient.

  2. May 29, 2019

    Apple Aims To Nix FRAND Claim In Suit Over Wireless Patents

    Apple asked a Texas federal court Tuesday to toss one count of a complaint seeking a declaration that an offer by PanOptis Patent Management LLC to license its global patent portfolio to Apple complies with its obligation to license its essential patents on fair terms.

  3. February 28, 2019

    Apple Sued In EDTX Over Essential Ex-Samsung, LG Patents

    Following failed licensing talks, Apple has been hit with a suit in the Eastern District of Texas alleging infringement of seven patents previously owned by Samsung, LG and others that have been declared essential to the 4G LTE wireless standard.