Philips Medical Systems (Cleveland), Inc. et al v. Buan et al

  1. January 22, 2024

    Chinese Co. Can't Avoid Contempt In Philips X-Ray IP Suit

    A Chinese company that "abandoned" litigation in an X-ray tube trade secrets case after receiving civil contempt sanctions, a default judgment and other adverse orders cannot now try to escape those orders, an Illinois federal judge ruled.

  2. February 14, 2023

    Philips Notches X-Ray IP Win After Defendant Goes Silent

    An Illinois federal judge on Monday declared Philips Medical Systems winner by default in a trade secret lawsuit involving its X-ray tube designs, after finding one of the targeted companies is apparently defunct and without an attorney.

  3. January 10, 2023

    Philips Stops Chinese Rivals From Using Stolen Trade Secrets

    An Illinois federal judge on Tuesday ordered a pair of Chinese companies to stop manufacturing and selling products that illegally use stolen trade secrets related Philips Medical Systems' X-ray tubes, and awarded Philips attorney fees.

  4. April 20, 2021

    Philips' Chinese Rivals Can't Dodge Ill. Trade Secrets Suit

    A pair of Chinese companies can't escape claims they stole trade secrets related to Philips Medical Systems' X-ray tubes, an Illinois federal judge ruled Monday, saying there is enough evidence supporting the companies' ties to the Prairie State.

  5. June 23, 2020

    Philips Says Chinese Rivals Can't Skirt Ill. Trade Secret Suit

    Claims against Chinese companies of stealing and using trade secrets related to Philips Medical Systems' X-ray tubes can't be dropped because the case record is rife with evidence supporting the allegations and the companies' ties to Illinois, Philips argued Monday.

  6. April 19, 2019

    X-Ray Engineer Gave Trade Secrets To Rival, Philips Says

    A former Philips Medical Systems employee stole trade secrets that have given a competitor "a decadeslong head start" in designing and selling its own knock off version of Philips X-ray tubes, the technology company told an Illinois federal judge Friday.