March 18, 2025
A film producer has settled a wage class action filed against him by the crew that worked on an abandoned film project about a Little League baseball team, bringing the 4-year-old litigation to an end in Georgia federal court Tuesday.
February 06, 2024
The producer of a scuttled film project owes unpaid wages to workers and a line manager hired for the production, but the full amount owed to crew members will have to be decided by a jury, according to a Georgia federal court order.
December 13, 2022
A Georgia federal judge refused to enforce a $211,000 Fair Labor Standards Act settlement between workers on a film crew and producers whose production went belly up.
August 17, 2022
A Georgia federal judge on Wednesday sanctioned a film producer who defied court orders requiring him to pay expenses production crew members incurred in serving him with a lawsuit alleging he failed to pay them for their work, the same day the crew told the court the producer won't finalize a separate agreed settlement.
July 19, 2021
The producers of a baseball movie that never got off the ground when it ran out of money have agreed to the conditional certification of a class of crew members in a lawsuit seeking unpaid wages in Georgia federal court.
May 26, 2021
Production crew members alleging they weren't paid for work on a feature film that went belly up have asked a Georgia federal judge to grant class certification in their lawsuit against the movie's producers, seeking more than $100,000 in wages.
January 28, 2021
The makers of a feature film about a baseball team owe more than $100,000 to production members who said the producers never paid them after the project was shelved, the crew claimed in a proposed collective action in Georgia federal court.