Adams v. US

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Case Number:



Appellate - Federal Circuit

Nature of Suit:

300 Civilian Pay - Back Pay

  1. February 14, 2023

    Prison Workers Can't Get COVID Hazard Pay, Fed. Circ. Says

    A group of correctional workers aren't entitled to COVID-19 hazard pay because they didn't work directly with the virus, the Federal Circuit said Tuesday, ruling that humans aren't primary containers of the virus in a decision that could affect at least 20 other suits.

  2. December 08, 2022

    2 Circuit Court Rulings May Shape Fate Of COVID Hazard Pay

    Forthcoming rulings in two federal circuit courts are expected to set precedents on whether certain workers are entitled to COVID-19 hazard pay. Here, Law360 explores the state of hazard pay cases as the Ninth Circuit and Federal Circuit consider oral arguments.

  3. October 12, 2022

    DOJ Tells Fed. Circ. COVID Not Uncommonly Hazardous

    Federal correctional officers who worked in COVID-19-stricken prisons during the dog days of the pandemic are not owed hazard pay because the novel coronavirus was not an uncommon hazard, the U.S. Department of Justice told the Federal Circuit.

  4. June 27, 2022

    Full Fed. Circ. To Hear Prison Workers' Hazard Pay Challenge

    The Federal Circuit initiated a full court review of an appeal brought by a group of Federal Bureau of Prisons employees who say a lower court's order denying hazard pay to workers subjected to COVID-19 on the job should be overturned, according to an order issued Monday.

  5. June 18, 2021

    DOJ Tells Fed. Circ. No COVID Hazard Pay For Prison Workers

    Federal Bureau of Prisons employees aren't entitled to hazard pay under two programs for health risks they said they endured while working in proximity to the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, the government told the Federal Circuit, urging the court not to revive a suit by nearly 200 Connecticut prison workers.