BNSF Railway Company v Internal Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers - Transportation Division

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Case overview

Case Number:



Texas Northern

Nature of Suit:

Labor: Railway Labor Act


Mark Pittman



Sectors & Industries:

  1. January 14, 2022

    BNSF Can Arbitrate Union Spat Over Driving Policy

    A Texas federal judge sided with BNSF Railway in deciding Friday to send a union dispute to arbitration, saying the conflict over a policy requiring road crews to drive themselves to work in company vehicles without compensation is "minor."

  2. July 12, 2021

    Union Eyes Early Win In Suit Over BNSF Driving Policy

    A BNSF Railway Co. policy requiring road crews to drive themselves in company vehicles without pay departs from an agreement with the workers' union, and so a Texas federal court can block the mandate under a federal railway labor law, the union argued in a filing.