Iron Workers Defined Contribution Pension Fund et al v. Next Century Rebar, LLC

  1. November 29, 2023

    'Vague' Billing Justifies 10% Cut In Atty Fees, Judge Says

    A federal magistrate judge Wednesday recommended slashing a request for attorney fees from Iron Workers' benefit funds in a case dealing with an employer's unpaid contributions, saying there are "vague" billing entries from the plaintiffs' counsel as part of a $2.2 million judgment.

  2. October 31, 2023

    Steel Co. Balks At Iron Workers 'Excessive' $111K Atty Fee Bid

    A Nevada steel company has urged a Michigan federal judge to deny a request from ironworkers' union benefit funds to add nearly $111,000 in attorney fees to a $2.2 million judgment, saying the funds billed hours excessively and failed to provide accurate invoices.

  3. October 17, 2023

    Iron Workers Seek $111K In Atty Fees For $2.2M Judgment

    The benefit funds for Iron Workers Local 25 urged a Michigan federal judge to grant nearly $111,000 in attorney fees after winning a $2.2 million judgment against a Nevada steel company for unpaid benefits, arguing the request is reasonable given the experience and hours spent by the plaintiffs' counsel.

  4. September 18, 2023

    Steel Co. Owes $2.2M In Unpaid Benefits, Mich. Judge Rules

    A Nevada steel company must pay Michigan ironworkers' pension funds more than $2 million in unpaid benefits and other fees for more than a year's worth of employees' work on a project in Detroit, a Michigan federal judge ruled Sunday.