USA v. Torigian et al

  1. April 27, 2023

    Boston Cops Cleared Of Overtime Fraud Charges

    Four Boston police officers were cleared Thursday of federal overtime theft and fraud claims by a jury that rejected prosecutors' case claiming the cops dishonestly stole city funds by cutting out early from extra shifts at an evidence warehouse.

  2. April 26, 2023

    Boston Cop OT Trial Closes With Arguments Over 'Corruption'

    Lawyers for four Boston police officers facing overtime theft and conspiracy charges told a federal jury Wednesday that union contracts and past practice "entitled" them to the four-hour block pay they claimed, with a government attorney urging the panel not to excuse the apparent "culture of corruption."

  3. April 11, 2023

    Boston Jury Told Inflated Cop Overtime Was 'Unwritten Rule'

    The overtime fraud trial of four Boston police officers kicked off Tuesday in federal court with attorneys for the current and former cops countering prosecutors' theft claims by arguing it was a "time-honored, accepted practice" to file for overtime in four-hour chunks regardless of how long they worked.